Immigration numbers

The NZ Herald's editorial this morning, 'There's no need to fear more Asians settling in Auckland', is an articulation of the standard position of the business class, the government and the local Council's official line. They are pushing the same line because their interests are served by increasing immigration. The NZ Herald itself is an immigrant founded paper making money out of the population increase, so it is not surprising they advocate for the mass immigration policy and they run editorials as short of information as the official plans. It is a propaganda exercise when they leave information out as much as it is when they try to tell people what people think.

The premise the NZ Herald starts with is that a lack of comment on the Auckland Plan means everything is fine and there is no objection to what is being projected and what is being planned. This is not the case. Wading through a report of almost 400 pages and then relying on data that is 9 years instead of the usual 30 or 50 years is why people don't object - they aren't being told the full facts or even half. The NZ Herald continues the ruse in the editorial. They blithely tell their readers :
''Population trends mean, in effect, that Auckland's three main ethnic groups of Europeans, Asians and people of Maori and Pacific heritage will soon be of roughly equal size.''
They already are, what about after that, after 9 year? Where's that in the 30-50 years of the Plan? It isn't in the Plan and the editorial carefully avoids that crucial point too. Why? Because the trends mean the Asian group will be bigger than a third, they will be the majority and it wil be an 'Asian' city by the end of this century. That is the official plan. If you object to it you are a racist - that's the official line.

Granny Herald's assertion that Asian immigrants have created ''no significant problems'' and therefore, ''why should further increase be the subject of fear?'' could best be resolved by the Granny's own record. They promoted immigration, confiscation and exploitation from the first decade they published (1860s) and Maori went from majority to a minority in that time and lost almost everything in the process to a new order of foreigners (with the Herald making on it at every turn). That is what history has to say. And we all know how that turned out for Maori. Pakeha are being told to lie back and think of NZ as the same process happens to them. We've already witnessed Beijing orchestrated political parties, rallies, newspapers, and the PRC's cultural arm, the Confucious Institute, funding Chinese language books etc. in libraries - this is the social and political reality of large numbers from China (in particular). In present numbers, from a society 30 times as old as NZ with 250 times the population, there will be problems with integratio, and the outside power whose citizens are set to be a permanent force i(and potentially a majority eventually) in what is a fresh colony (a mere 170 years old) will act to advance their interests and their people - not ours.

But what we are dealing with now is more resentment than fear. The Pakeha profiteers from immigration sit securely in their workplaces, live in their suburbs, taking their kids to their schools, and go about their social activities amongst other Pakeha without mixing with or being effected by Asian immigrnts. These Pakeha who constitute the media, business, management and government are surrounded by Pakeha and white immigrants they can relate to and communicate with rather than the increasingly typical Pakeha (and Maori) working class experience of workplaces, neighbourhoods and situations in which they are amongst Asian immigrants and subject to their influence. That experience is very different to the elite. The elite determines NZ Immigration policy and it is about making the rich richer and the immigrant richer - not about enriching everyone. The Treasury focusses on GDP and so every warm body through customs is considered a good thing in the received ideology regardless of the net effect.

In conclusion, people just aren't told the truth by their officials or by their leaders, data is fudged (the Plan conflates European and Other to get a bare majority figure for 2021) and the mantra of 'NZ needs more people' (as the immigrant leader in another article in today's paper chanted on cue) is essentially the peddling of a narrow self-interest.
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